9 June, 2018

Mexico amends the Statute regarding industrial designs and geographical indications (Part 2 of 2)

Mexico introduced a special registration for Geographical Indications and enhaced protection of Appeals of Origin.
30 March, 2018

Mexico amends the Statute regarding industrial designs and geographical indications (Part 1 of 2)

The Mexican Industrial Property Statute was amended to enhace protection of industrial designs.
4 December, 2017

What happens with IP in Mexico if NAFTA dies

A few speculations about IP rights in Mexico after death of NAFTA, if it happens.
29 September, 2017

The Mexican Patent and Trademark Office against the “Netflix of Sports”.

The Mexican Patent ad Trademark Office started ex-officio an infringment action againts sportflix.net, the so called "Netflix of sports".
16 May, 2017

A court opens the door to the Doctrine of Equivalents in Mexico

Comments about the decision of a Court of Appeals in Mexico City that allows Doctrine of Equivalents in patent infringement cases.
29 September, 2016

New binding ruling benefits owners of trademarks registered in Mexico that claimed date of first use.

This bindig precedent makes claiming a date of first use in trademark applications safer for trademark owners.
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