21 July, 2020

News from Mexico: the end of lockdown and a new patents and trademarks law

The Mexican Congress enected a new law regarding patents and trademarks in Mexico. The following are a few highlights.
27 March, 2020

The temporary shut down of the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office and courts (updated to June 5, 2020)

The Mexican Patent and Trademark Office and the courts extended deadines, suspended terms and closed for five to six weeks, in an effort to mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak.
14 January, 2019

Damages claims due infringement of trademarks and patents in Mexico. Who has the final saying?

A Mexican lower court disagrees with the Supreme Court about the requirements to succesfully file a civil action for damages due patent and trademark infringement.
11 June, 2018

Change in the government fee will impact patent practice in Mexico.

Longer specifications and claims will pay more than shorter ones.
9 June, 2018

Mexico amends the Statute regarding industrial designs and geographical indications (Part 2 of 2)

Mexico introduced a special registration for Geographical Indications and enhaced protection of Appeals of Origin.
30 March, 2018

Mexico amends the Statute regarding industrial designs and geographical indications (Part 1 of 2)

The Mexican Industrial Property Statute was amended to enhace protection of industrial designs.
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