2 December, 2020

The Mexican Industrial Property Law is tough on Madrid users

Users of the Madrid System should take special measures in Mexico to avoid risking the trademark protection.
25 May, 2013

What the New Guidelines to Construe the Classification of Goods and Services Mean for Trademark Owners and Applicants

Comments about some of the implications of the New Guildelines to Construte the Classification of Goods and Services in Mexico and the end of the full-class coverage.
11 September, 2009

The amicus brief filed by INTA with the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs (Grupo Anderson’s Case)

A few comments about an amicus brief that INTA filed with the Chamber Specialized in Intellectual Property of the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs in Mexico in conection to a trademark invalidation action.
22 July, 2009

The basic structure of IP litigation in Mexico (Second part)

The second part of a brief and practical explanation about the structure of IP litigation in Mexico.
25 May, 2009

The basic structure of IP litigation in Mexico (First part)

This is the first of a two parts post, explaining the structure of the appeals in IP in Mexico; why appeals have been taking so long in being decided; why they may take longer; why the courts appear to be so unreasonably formalistic about the authority of the officials of the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office that decide cases; and what can we expect in the close future.
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