18 March, 2013

2013 Update. Trademarks Acknowledged as Well-Known and Famous in Mexico

An update of the trademarks acnkowledged as well-known and famous in Mexico. This is a non-limitative list.
23 December, 2012

Mexico joins the Madrid Protocol

The Madrid Protocol will finally enter into force in Mexico. I have a few comments about it, including some pending issues about how it will work in our country.
23 April, 2012

Mexico and the Madrid Protocol

It seems that Mexico will finally join the Madrid Protocol. Is it good for Mexican businesses?
17 April, 2012

An amendment in the Industrial Property Statute increases fines for bad-faith infringers in Mexico

Some comments about the amendments to the Mexican Industrial Property Statute of January 2012.
17 July, 2011

Mexico simplifies the acknowledgement of priority claims in trademark matters

Mexico eases the acknowledgement of priority claims in trademark applications.
17 July, 2011

Amendments to the Rules Governing Registration of Word-Marks in Mexico

This article explains the new rules in Mexico about trademark registration of word-marks.
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