10 August, 2021

The burden of stating the use of a trademark in Mexico is a reality

Three years after they were reintroduced in Mexican law, tradenark owners must start filing them.
27 March, 2020

The temporary shut down of the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office and courts (updated to June 5, 2020)

The Mexican Patent and Trademark Office and the courts extended deadines, suspended terms and closed for five to six weeks, in an effort to mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak.
2 November, 2019

Trademarks acknowledged as well-known and famous in Mexico as to 2018

Updated list of well-known and famous trademarks in Mexico (2018).
7 March, 2019

Madrid users, be warned: Renewing the International Registration is not enough in Mexico (Update 2020)

Madrid users must file a declaration of use in Mexico after renewing the international registrations.
30 March, 2018

Mexico amends the Statute regarding industrial designs and geographical indications (Part 1 of 2)

The Mexican Industrial Property Statute was amended to enhace protection of industrial designs.
29 September, 2017

The Mexican Patent and Trademark Office against the “Netflix of Sports”.

The Mexican Patent ad Trademark Office started ex-officio an infringment action againts sportflix.net, the so called "Netflix of sports".
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