29 September, 2017

The Mexican Patent and Trademark Office against the “Netflix of Sports”.

The Mexican Patent ad Trademark Office started ex-officio an infringment action againts sportflix.net, the so called "Netflix of sports".
1 May, 2016

Mexican Congress approves trademark opposition system.

Mexico finally adopted an opposition system for new trademark applications.
17 December, 2015

Some problems that Madrid users may face in Mexico

The Madrid System is covenient and practical for many trademark owners, but in practice they may have to deal with a few problems that regular trademark applicants do not find.
25 May, 2013

What the New Guidelines to Construe the Classification of Goods and Services Mean for Trademark Owners and Applicants

Comments about some of the implications of the New Guildelines to Construte the Classification of Goods and Services in Mexico and the end of the full-class coverage.
18 March, 2013

2013 Update. Trademarks Acknowledged as Well-Known and Famous in Mexico

An update of the trademarks acnkowledged as well-known and famous in Mexico. This is a non-limitative list.
17 April, 2012

An amendment in the Industrial Property Statute increases fines for bad-faith infringers in Mexico

Some comments about the amendments to the Mexican Industrial Property Statute of January 2012.
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