11 June, 2018

Change in the government fee will impact patent practice in Mexico.

Longer specifications and claims will pay more than shorter ones.
4 December, 2017

What happens with IP in Mexico if NAFTA dies

A few speculations about IP rights in Mexico after death of NAFTA, if it happens.
16 May, 2017

A court opens the door to the Doctrine of Equivalents in Mexico

Comments about the decision of a Court of Appeals in Mexico City that allows Doctrine of Equivalents in patent infringement cases.
17 April, 2012

An amendment in the Industrial Property Statute increases fines for bad-faith infringers in Mexico

Some comments about the amendments to the Mexican Industrial Property Statute of January 2012.
8 August, 2010

Amendments to the Mexican statutes toughens (and softens) fight against piracy and IP infringement

A brief review of the June 2010 amendments to the Industrial Property Law and the provisions of the Federal Crimminal Code against piracy.
5 May, 2010

The Mexican Supreme Court expands the linkage system to prevent patent infringement

Comments about the linkage system provided in Mexican law to enhace the protection of patents for pharmaceuticals, and the recent expansion decided by Mexican Supreme Court.
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