17 April, 2012

An amendment in the Industrial Property Statute increases fines for bad-faith infringers in Mexico

Some comments about the amendments to the Mexican Industrial Property Statute of January 2012.
8 August, 2010

Amendments to the Mexican statutes toughens (and softens) fight against piracy and IP infringement

A brief review of the June 2010 amendments to the Industrial Property Law and the provisions of the Federal Crimminal Code against piracy.
14 June, 2010

A general view about precedents in Mexico

This post provides a very basic explanation about court precedents in Mexico and their effectiveness in IP-related cases.
22 December, 2009

The relevance of the date of first use in Mexican trademark applications

Comments about the consequences of filing a Mexican trademark application stating a date of commencement of use in Mexico.
11 September, 2009

The amicus brief filed by INTA with the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs (Grupo Anderson’s Case)

A few comments about an amicus brief that INTA filed with the Chamber Specialized in Intellectual Property of the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs in Mexico in conection to a trademark invalidation action.
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