30 March, 2010

Amendments to the Mexican Industrial Property Statute make the trademark filings less formal, but also raise some concerns

This post explains how the filing and maintenance of trademarks in Mexico are becoming less formal, as a consequence of an amendement to the Industrial Property Statute of January 2010. However, the new practices of the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office will not necessarily make the prosecution of trademark applications easier.
25 July, 2009

Are letters of consent and trademark coexistence agreements effective in Mexico?

The post gives a brief explanation about trademark coexistence agreements and letters of consent in Mexico and their legal consequences.
22 July, 2009

The basic structure of IP litigation in Mexico (Second part)

The second part of a brief and practical explanation about the structure of IP litigation in Mexico.
25 May, 2009

The basic structure of IP litigation in Mexico (First part)

This is the first of a two parts post, explaining the structure of the appeals in IP in Mexico; why appeals have been taking so long in being decided; why they may take longer; why the courts appear to be so unreasonably formalistic about the authority of the officials of the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office that decide cases; and what can we expect in the close future.
6 June, 2008

A few tips about registering trademarks in Mexico

Some suggestions to enhace the trademark protection in Mexico in a more cost-efficient way.
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