7 March, 2019

Madrid users, be warned: Renewing the International Registration is not enough in Mexico (Update 2020)

Madrid users must file a declaration of use in Mexico after renewing the international registrations.
29 September, 2016

New binding ruling benefits owners of trademarks registered in Mexico that claimed date of first use.

This bindig precedent makes claiming a date of first use in trademark applications safer for trademark owners.
25 May, 2013

What the New Guidelines to Construe the Classification of Goods and Services Mean for Trademark Owners and Applicants

Comments about some of the implications of the New Guildelines to Construte the Classification of Goods and Services in Mexico and the end of the full-class coverage.
22 December, 2009

The relevance of the date of first use in Mexican trademark applications

Comments about the consequences of filing a Mexican trademark application stating a date of commencement of use in Mexico.
11 September, 2009

The amicus brief filed by INTA with the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs (Grupo Anderson’s Case)

A few comments about an amicus brief that INTA filed with the Chamber Specialized in Intellectual Property of the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs in Mexico in conection to a trademark invalidation action.
6 August, 2008

Is it necessary to file evidence of use of a trademark in Mexico to keep it alive?

Some updated (to 2019) clarifications about the requirement to prove use of a trademark in Mexico.
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